I'm losing weight! And....it's not going great. But I'm staying motivated and blogging about it

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh Snow....Please Don't Stay

It's snowing..and if anyone in the northwest is reading this, you'll know why I want the snow to go away. I love snow, don't get me wrong. I love the way it smells, looks, feels. I love that transforms an ordinary day into a magical one. However, people in Portland don't know how to drive in the freaking snow! It's so irritating. I heard a rumor once that it took six hours to get from one side of the city to the other (normally about a 45 minutes drive). I could have driven to California in that amount of time! So, yes I would like the snow to melt away. That way I can get to the gym. It has been two days and I'm not loving it! I find myself getting irritable from the lack of physical activity. Ugh...anyway. I've been eating fairly healthy the past few days, minus the enormous amount of peanut m&ms the other day. Seriously...like 50 of them. I just had a huge craving for them! Gross. But, I'm still maintaining my weight. Haven't lost anymore, haven't gained anymore.

Okay, I have been listening to this song for days now. I can't get it out of my head. I think I'm just super boy crazy right now and it makes me feel good haha

"I Love You Always Forever" by Donna Lewis

Love and all that, 

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